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Continuous rolling machine
The continuous rolling mill is of several mills laid out in the line. The strips pass the mills continuously. The quantity of rolling passes equal to the quantity of mill stands.Compared with single mill,continuous rolling mill has high-efficiency,good quality and high automatic degree, so that it suits for production with high yield.We can provide two-stand cold rolling mill,three-stand cold rolling mill,four-stand cold rolling mill and five-stand cold rolling mill,which equipped with hydraulic screw-down AGC and automatic thickness gauge,and applied with the technology of endless rolling and automatic welding.
Parameter Mill Three-stand Tandem Four-stand Tandem Five-stand Tandem
Material thickness 2.0~3.0mm 2.0~4.0mm 2.75~4.0mm
Product thickness 0.5~1.2mm 0.5~1.2mm 0.5~1.2mm
Max rolling speed 240m/min 300m/min 300m/min
The continuous rolling mill is of several mills laid out in the line. The strips pass the mills continuously. The quantity of rolling passes equal to the quantity of mill stands.Compared with single mill,continuous rolling mill has high-efficiency,good quality and high automatic degree, so that it suits for production with high yield.We can provide two-stand cold rolling mill,three-stand cold rolling mill,four-stand cold rolling mill and five-stand cold rolling mill,which equipped with hydraulic screw-down AGC and automatic thickness gauge,and applied with the technology of endless rolling and automatic welding.
Pay-off reel  welding platform  looper  continuous rolling mill sets  frame No.1  Thickness gauge frame No.2  frame No.3  frame No.4
              hydraulic shear  tension reel                  tension reel  hydraulic shear  thickness gauge